Playful Revolution meets No Mad Makers

I was in Greece for a week to meet-up and collaborate with the No Mad Makers, a collective that is active in setting up workshops with refugees.
The wrote a very nice piece about it, check it out HERE

Radical Fun, brah! at Surfana Festival 2016. Filled with delights, also because of a great first collaboration with ApenkooiGym, certainly not the last.
Surfana is a great festival for all thinks active. I had some great sessions with people who were very ‘on-the-ball’. The overall energy of the festival visitors is very engaged and active, as opposed to what you’d find on other (music) festivals. Hope to see you again Surfano’s and Surfettes!


Play Out #2 Playful Arts Session

Happy to have participated in this years manifestation of the Dutch Playful Arts Festival, in my opinion the spearhead of Playful Design. From their website

to explore new directions in playful arts and learn more about current developments in this field … The intersection of visual art, performance art and playful design in order to encourage social interaction.

play-outThis years theme was ‘Bodies at Play’ and this is where I coined the term Play-Out, as opposed to regular Work-Outs; I believe that if a physical activity is fun to do in itself, there is no sense of ‘Work’, just ‘Out’, still reeping the benefits of the physical outing of energy.
The theme of this Play-Out was Animals. Isn’t the idea of an animal ‘working out’ ridiculous? Yet, naturally, they do engage in physical activities with the sole purpose of keeping their body in shape. For example; think of a dog yawning, putting it’s full body into it. So, more to come, have a peep at the presentation slides and a snippet of the Play OUT!

Play Out! #1 JES Gent

dsc03791Had such a great time working with the JES youth-counseling organisation in Belgium. We started with a short theoretical part about the foundations of Play and creating the safe-space of play we call the Magic Circle. We then actually escaped the conference room we we’re in (trough the window)
to take to the field. Great to share some of my favourite games with people that are able to apply them in a social context.